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Just Bought a Home? Avoid HVAC Surprises On Your 1st Bill

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Keeping HVAC Bills in Check After Buying a Home | HVAC Pay

February 17, 2025

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Just Bought a Home? Avoid HVAC Surprises On Your 1st Bill

Buying a home can be one of the most exciting experiences of your adult life. However, you won’t truly know everything about your new property until after you have spent some time living in it. Fortunately, there are some steps that you can do to minimize your first heating or cooling bill.

Don’t Wait to Schedule a Service Appointment

Prior to closing on the sale of your house, you probably inspected the property, and there is a good chance that the inspector did a cursory check of the furnace and other HVAC components. Therefore, you should have some rough idea as to how well the home’s HVAC system functions.

However, you won’t find out about gas leaks, electrical shorts or other potentially serious problems unless you schedule a service appointment. The professionals from S.O.S. Heating & Cooling in Salt Lake City will be able to inspect your furnace or air conditioner to determine their current condition. If necessary, a technician will be able to do routine maintenance or repair work on these items.

Listen for Loud or Unusual Noises

If your air conditioner runs for several hours at a time, there may be something amiss with the thermostat. Alternatively, a clogged air duct or a frozen condenser line may make it harder for cool air to be created and pushed throughout your home.

Clogged air ducts or vents may also explain why some parts of your home cool off faster and easier than others. In some cases, ducts that are loose or not properly installed can allow air to escape. Resolving these issues may allow you to limit the amount of energy used to cool your home after you first move in.

It is also a bad idea to ignore rattling, clunking or grinding noises that come from your furnace while it is in use. When a furnace is working properly, it should create and send warm air quietly and effortlessly throughout your house. Loud or unusual sounds could be signs of a broken fan, a motor that isn’t properly lubricated or other types of furnace damage. Allowing these problems to linger may result in further damage to this component as well as an expensive heating bill.

Look for Signs of Gas or Coolant Leaks

Plants, grass and other vegetation may have a harder time growing in areas where gas or coolant are present in the air or ground. You may also notice the presence of dead animals or animals exhibiting symptoms of chemical poisoning after coming into contact with these substances.

While you cannot smell carbon monoxide or other types of gas directly, it doesn’t mean that you can’t detect its presence. In many cases, an additive will be used that makes the leaking gas smell similar to rotting eggs. You may also be able to hear a faint hissing sound either inside or outside of your home where gas may be leaking.

If you see or hear evidence of a gas or coolant leak, call for help right away. In addition to keeping your heating or cooling bill to a minimum, fixing a leak may prevent an explosion or other event that could cause significant damage to your home.

Does Something Smell Like It’s Burning?

A burning smell in your home could be caused by an electrical wire that is extremely hot or that is on fire. Wires may become hot because they are frayed or because they are carrying too much current. You may also notice a burning smell if a motor is not properly lubricated or is otherwise unable to spin like it should.

At a minimum, a burned wire will make it harder for your air conditioner or furnace to work like it should. If left unchecked, you could experience a significant house fire or other negative consequences. Ideally, you should shut off your HVAC system until a professional can arrive to diagnose and fix the problem for you.

The folks at S.O.S. Heating & Cooling can install a new heater, install an air conditioner or take other steps to ensure that your home is always at the right temperature. Service plans may be available to help meet your needs now and in the future. To learn more about how we can help you maintain your new house, give us a call right away! We offer comprehensive heating and cooling services to Salt Lake City and the surrounding areas.

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Keeping HVAC Bills in Check After Buying a Home | HVAC Pay

SOS Heating & Cooling offers tips and solutions to manage HVAC bills. Maintain efficiency with affordable services. Contact us for expert assistance today!

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